Saturday, 11 April 2015

She sheepishly returns..

I am not going to try and make excuses for the fact it has been a disgusting 6 months since my last post.. but a lot has happened!

I went full-time at my work in December, permanently taking on the glorious 6am starts that funnily enough no one else wanted. I know, I didn't understand it either. But also, I was nearing the end of the first semester of my final year of university. While I was incredibly lucky and had no exams, I did have two very long and very brutal essays. When I say brutal I refer more to the topic - the Historical novel - Scottish history from the 1700's. It was heavy going, I won't lie. But I digress. I made it and I'm here to tell the really boring tale. So after the Christmas rush, and the full time and the horrible essays I thought 'I shall return to my blog!' But that was about as short-lived as Zayn Malik on the One Direction tour and my dissertation date loomed closer and closer. 

Obviously I had to take the obligatory 'I've-just-handed-in-my-dissertation-look-how-smug-I-am' photo (Please see smugness above) But honestly, it's been one of the biggest academic achievements of my life. 42 pages of blood, sweat and tears (oh so many tears and about 50 takeaway pizzas) but I'm over the last hurdle to obtaining my degree (hurrah). It's been a long four years, but a good four years.. sob, sob. Enough with the nostalgia though, or I will make myself vomit. 

Obviously I have still been hammering my discount card buying copious amounts of beauty goodies, so I will begin to get back to my blogging duties and promise not to ever leave you again..

..Unless I do a post-grad.