Monday, 20 October 2014

The Liebster Award

Thank you to Eden for the Liebster Award! 

The Rules:
-Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award
-Answer the 11 questions given to you from the blogger
-Give 11 facts about yourself
-Nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award (less than 200 followers)
-Let the bloggers know you have nominated them
-Give 11 questions to them to answer

Here are Eden's 11 questions for me:

If you could live any where in the world, where would you live and why?
I think if I had to live anywhere it would probably be New York City. I love New York and I'd live there because I love places where there is always something happening. It's always busy and there is always something to do or something going on.  It's a place where you'd never be bored. And also the food is amazing and I'm all about living somewhere I can get a good meal! There is also a real sense of community in New York, which being Scottish I like, as that's something we are really big on here!

What is your dream job and why?
I love writing, and am in my final year of an English degree, so my ideal job would be writing a column for a magazine, or just any general writing in a magazine would be nice too!

Follow me on instagram! @eden.amber and ill follow you back! Who else should I follow and whats your favourite instagram account?
Thanks! I'm vicky_chaps on Instagram. My favourites on Instagram are Millie Mackintosh and Victoria Beckham because they are my style icons! Ainsley Rodriguez, Cenna and Sonia because they are my fitspiration and always have amazing work out videos and last but not least Dan Bilzerian's cat Smushball because who doesn't love a badass cat!

My guilty pleasure is coronation street! What's your guilty pleasure?
Reality TV! I am so bad for wasting hours of my life watching Keeping up with the Kardashians and The Real Housewives of New York.. I just love the drama! Oh, and eating pork scratchings.. they are really disgusting but I absolutely love them!

What is your biggest insecurity?
I'm a really, really sarcastic person and I find it hard to filter that sometimes so I'm often worried if I'm talking to - or around a person or people I don't know, that I come off as totally rude!

What is your biggest fear?
Hmm, quite a few! The usual suspects.. heights, spiders, snakes, cockroaches. My weirdest phobia though is wooden spoons. I don't know what it is but I've never been able to have one in my house. I just don't like the texture.. it creeps me out. 

Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
Ryan Gosling. Hands down. No contest. I love him. My best friend bought me a Ryan Gosling colouring book for my birthday last year, and my boyfriend bought me a cushion with Ryan Gosling's face on it for Christmas.. enough said.

What is your opinion on modern day relationships?
I recently uploaded a quote onto Instagram that sums up my thoughts and it says 'I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.' This couldn't be more spot on, people need to learn to breathe without their other half permanently attached to them 24/7. It makes for a much stronger relationship and independence is one of the most attractive qualities in a guy (or a girl). Also what is bae? People need to stop saying bae!

What would your perfect day out be and where?
Getting in the car and going somewhere I've never been before. Somewhere where you can walk about and see something you'd never usually see in your day to day life. And somewhere with a good restaurant and a good glass of wine! 

What influenced you to start blogging and how long have you been doing it for?
I love to write! I've loved to write since I was little but the main reason I started doing it is that things that happen in my daily life don't happen to other people (usually). It's safe to say that I'm a fairly unlucky person, and my misfortune tends to be at the amusement of others, so I thought I could share that with the world! As Marilyn Monroe said 'it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring!' So if my blog brings a smile to someones face, I'll consider it a job well done. Also I get a lot of questions from people asking me about what make up and other products I use etc, so thought that would be another thing I could share! I've been blogging since the beginning of October 2014.

What would you do to make the world better?
Everyone needs to stop fighting. Life is too short! I would love to make it World Pizza and Onesie day and just get everyone to chill out, have a Friends marathon and be pals.

11 facts about me:

  • I started off studying Law at University and hated it, so swapped out to study English and Management. I'm currently in my fourth year.
  • I have two cats called Purrdy and Pouncer. Pounce is a pretty big guy, he weighs over a stone and we actually had to install a dog flap in our house because he was too large for a standard cat one.
  • I've moved house 7 times in 5 years. 
  • I have celiac disease which means I'm intolerant to gluten, so going to dinner with me is great fun! It's not something I've always had.. I only got diagnosed a year ago.
  • For the last 7 years I have worked in the Electronics industry, starting off in sales and ending up in Technical and IT Support. 
  • I went to the same school as actor Ewan McGregor
  • My favourite drink is a mojito
  • If I could meet anyone in the world it would be Dave Grohl. He's such a cool guy. 
  • I love winter, it's my favourite season and this year I cannot wait to get up to the mountains and go skiing, and try my hand at snowboarding again!
  • Although you'd never guess by looking at me, I'm really into cars! I am counting down the days until I graduate and can afford to buy something totally ridiculous! It's a good job I love cars as my boyfriend is a total car fan.. he's had 6 cars in 18 months!
  • I am a total Red Bull addict. I know, I know.. it's really bad for you, but I usually drink up to 5 cans a day!

11 Blogs I nominate:

11 questions for you:

  • What's your ideal way to relax? 
  • Where do you see yourself in 20 years time?
  • What is your favourite beauty product and why?
  • What is your worst habit?
  • What is your favourite movie and why?
  • You are having a dinner party. You can invite any 3 people in the world, dead or alive. Who would you invite?
  • What is your most prized/valued possession?
  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • If you could turn back time and listen to one piece of advice that was given to you that you ignored, what would it be?
  • If you found out you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
  • What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you/or you have ever witnessed?



  1. Oh thank you thats so sweet <3

  2. Thank you for nominating me :) x

  3. Congratulations Hunny lovely answers I love reading these posts

    Carrieanne x

    1. Aw thanks sweetie :) just followed you, your blog is awesome! xo

  4. Thank you for the nomination! Lovely post! ox
