Friday, 7 November 2014

Liebster Award//Part 2

Thank you to Samantha who has nominated me for the Liebster Award. Even though I have already taken part in this, I will still answer her questions, however I won't be renominating as I've already done it :)

Here are the questions that Samantha asked me:

Questions for the people I nominate :

1. Where would you like to travel?
I really love America so would love to start in Florida and drive along through the Deep South, round to California and then finishing in Las Vegas. Would take a huge chunk of time to do that though! I also really want to go to Koh Samui and also Japan - hopefully that will be next summers vacay!

2. Comfy or Classy?
Always classy! A high pair of heels and a statement bag is always a must.

3. What's your favourite lipstick?
At the moment my favourite is MAC Creme D'Nude and MAC Blankety. They are such nice colours for fall and are a lot lighter now that I've pretty much lost my summer tan. 

4. Night or morningperson?
I would usually have said night! However I have recently changed jobs and I start work before 6am now, so I am definitely more of a morning person at the moment!

5. What's your favourite music album?
This is so difficult! I would have to go with Rumours - Fleetwood Mac. They are my favourite band in the whole world and I was lucky enough to go and see them last year in Glasgow - my boyfriend got me the tickets for my 21st! 

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?
I like a lot of food! Anything that's really spicy. I do love a good pizza though!

7. What's your favourite season and why?
I think I would love summer more if I didn't live in the UK! We never really get a good summer, although the last two years we have been pretty lucky with the weather. Winter is definitely my favourite. I love it when it's cold and you can wrap up warm or stay in with the fire on and a big cup of hot chocolate. Also I love the snow - I'm counting down the days until I can go skiing again!

8. Are you reading a book, if so, what one, if not, what was your last book?
The last book I read that wasn't for my degree was the Wolf of Wall Street. It's amazing - everyone should read it. It was my lying-by-the-pool book this summer and I loved it.

9. What's your favourite movie?
This is so tricky! Bridesmaids is probably the chick flick I've watched the most in the last year. Pearl Harbour or Titanic is probably one of my favourites though. 

10. Why did you start a blog?
Everyone kept asking me what make up I use and what products I use and I thought this would be a good outlet to discuss that! Also sharing lifestyle tips and funny stories from my day to day life too. 

11. What's your favourite series?
This is far too difficult! I have so many tv shows I watch religiously. Friends is probably my favourite of all time - I can watch it time and time again and never get bored of it. My favourite new series is probably Californication though, I don't know how many times I've rewatched it now! I also love Modern Family, it's so funny! My boyfriend and I have watched all 6 seasons a ridiculous amount of times this year!


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